In recognition of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11th, I had the opportunity to attend The 8th International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly taking place in New York.
I live just outside Philadelphia, PA, so the trip to New York didn’t take too long – just a little over an hour away on an Amtrak train. The celebratory conference to mark the day was presented by The Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT–founded and run by HRH Princess Dr. Nisreen El-Hashemite of Iraq, a geneticist by profession) and held at the United Nations (UN) in NYC. It was the perfect setting to celebrate this inspirational day.
I had never been to the UN before, and with so many entrances and guards it took some time to figure out exactly where to enter the building.

Finally settled, I listened to and watched the speakers and videos. It was gratifying to hear about the great work being done across the globe to increase the efficiency of ensuring clean drinking water and providing access to it in the most impoverished corners of the globe and the part that women scientists are playing in this effort. I also enjoyed speaking to esteemed scientists about the work MAC is doing to progress new medicines to market.

It was particularly fascinating to connect with young women aspiring to enter the world of medicine and consider the various careers open to them as they plan their next steps and futures.
Aside from learning about and meeting many amazing women, I was intrigued to find out more about the UN building itself which is filled with displays and artifacts. I was particularly taken by the Jewish and WWII exhibit juxtaposed with the beautiful, huge Arabic mosaic in the escalator landing. It was nice to experience a unique blend of science and culture all in one place!

It really was an honor to attend the event and entrench in science; recognizing the unique efforts and contributions of women globally. It’s a great reminder of what ignites my passion in supporting the work of scientists around the world and in the clinical field, supporting our Sponsors with their groundbreaking research.